Is Pilates for runners? Whether going for a light job or training for a marathon, Pilates can bring muscular balance to the repetitive movement of running. […]
If your go-to exercise involves lacing your sneakers and pounding the pavement, your body may be craving cross-training. Running improves cardiovascular health, may reduce stress, and […]
Local people have the opportunity to learn a great deal about how breathing correctly can improve their quality of life by attending “Power of Breath,” a […]
The Pilates method utilizes specific breathing patterns called lateral breathing. In this article, you’ll learn what lateral breathing is, how it is used in Pilates, and […]
Pilates breathing, or lateral thoracic breathing, is one of six Pilates method principles. As such, breathing is an essential focus during each Pilates session. In this […]
Do you feel stiff and sore day to day? If you’ve questioned whether stretching can help, keep reading. Stretching has many benefits, and Pilates is an […]
Pilates and stress, can practicing one reduce the other? That’s what we’ll cover in this article. Why is Pilates the best exercise to reduce stress? Read up […]
Local people have the opportunity to learn a great deal about how breathing correctly can improve their quality of life by attending “Power of Breath,” a […]
Ask people that question and the most common answer, by far, will include the word “injury” or “accident.” Perhaps the most common misconception about physical therapy […]
Pain comes in many different forms. When getting treatment such as physical therapy for a specific problem, patients need to understand what kind of pain they […]
The term “physical therapy” is well known in the healthcare realm. But it is far from a foregone conclusion that patients understand what it is all […]
The American College of Rheumatology estimates that about 790,000 total knee replacements and more than 450,000 hip replacements are performed each year in the United States. […]