What Are Other People Saying About ProHealth
Physical Therapy and Pilates Studio?

Happy Clients
- Deborah W.
I love the Building Better Bones class. Our instructor has the patience of a saint. She provides excellent instruction to us each week, gently challenging us to learn new and healthier ways to use our muscles. After just 8 classes, my waist and hips are smaller.
- Laura C.
For most of my life, I thought I had a belly fat problem. This little pouch that just wouldn't go away! I now realize that it wasn't a fat problem, it was a posture problem! People are asking me if I've lost weight when really I just know how to stand up straight. I love it!
- Sandy B.
Pilates at ProHealth has given me mobility and strength I thought I'd never get back after experiencing severe back pain. It feels so good to feel good!
- Amanda M.
Thanks, ProHealth, for helping me through my pregnancy with both your excellent physical therapy and amazing pre-natal Pilates! I had my baby on Thursday and I feel great! Can't wait to come back for more Pilates!
- Renee R.
I am thankful for what ProHealth Pilates does physically, but more thankful, mentally. Pilates taught me that strengthening yourself inside is more important than what you look like outside.
- Bryan C.
I was having extreme pain in my right jaw, after ProHealth physical therapist dry needled the lower part of the jaw, the intensity of the pain has decreased tremendously. By getting the needling done, it has made the pain manageable until I ma able to have surgery for poor structural alignment since my childhood.
- Justin S.
Dr. Karyn Staples and the ProHealth Physical Therapy and Pilates team were very highly recommended by friends who are patients. After explaining what I was trying to accomplish, Dr. Karyn agreed that it was possible, which boosted my confidence and my spirits. ProHealth physical therapy helped put me on the road to the finish line at Ironman Lake Placid.
- Ellie W.
My torn meniscus in my knee healed really well with the help of ProHealth physical therapy. I love the Pilates-based work. It was more effective and felt safer than what I experienced with another practice in an earlier knee injury. I regularly recommend ProHealth to friends, when I hear they've had an injury.
- Amy S.
I am thankful for Karyn Staples. Her philosophy of physical therapy is so much more than rehabilitation! It is truly amazing.
- Kim A.
I've never gotten pain relief like I have with dry needling. Five days after my second visit to ProHealth, I entered a half marathon and ran similar to times I was running in 2011!
- Fran W.
Physical Therapy and Pilates at ProHealth have given me the mobility and strength to recover from a severe accident. They have given me confidence and a new joy for life.
- Susan B.
Each time I leave Pilates class I feel more limber and taller too! I've discovered that my mat class is good for strengthening my arms and legs as well as my core.
- Jodi F.
While training for a full marathon, I started feeling pain in my left knee. I continued to train and completed that marathon, despite knee pain. The pain continued to get worse while running and finally it hurt to even walk. In January 2013, I started physical therapy at ProHealth for Illiotibial band syndrome. Part of my physical therapy was doing pilates movements to help build my core strength. I have continued doing Pilates at ProHealth for the past 4 months, at least once a week. It is my favorite time of the week! It is the one hour of my week where I am focused on nothing but my mind body connection, strengthening my muscles, working on my posture and having time for just me. My running has improved, my core strength has improved and every time I leave I feel more connected and more proud. I feel like I have been able to do something that I never thought I could! I have been running pain free since mid February and could never have gotten there without ProHealth!
- Sarah T.
Fantastic presentation! Please keep these events coming! It is great to learn what's going on inside my body as I do my Pilates exercises, which I believe helps to enforce the posture and movements I am learning and want to concentrate on in daily life.