ProHealth Physical Therapy and Pilates Studio Blog

April 11, 2022

The Five Most Common Workplace Injuries

1. The first of the most common type of workplace injuries is BACK PAIN. Back pain is common across all types of jobs. It presents in […]
April 6, 2022

4 Benefits of Spending Time Outdoors

Spending time outdoors is great for our health.   We breathe in fresh air and enjoy the beauty of nature.  What you may not know are the […]
March 30, 2022

ProHealth Client Spotlight – Pat Erskine

This week on the ProHealth blog, we enjoyed interviewing long standing ProHealth patient and client, Pat Erskine.  She shares her journey from Physical therapy to Pilates […]
March 23, 2022

3 Way Pilates Helps Your Back Pain

As we age, our bones and muscles tend to lose mass and strength. This is particularly true for the back, which can be susceptible to pain […]
March 16, 2022

Pilates for Healthy Knees

If you’re one of the millions of people who suffer from knee pain, then you know how debilitating it can be.  Studies show that 1 in 4 American […]
March 14, 2022

Employee Spotlight: Rebecca Fender O’Farrell

Thanks so much for letting us shine the ProHealth spotlight on you this week. What’s your position at ProHealth Physical Therapy and Pilates and how long […]
March 7, 2022

Pilates vs. Yoga for Back Pain

Eight out of ten people will experience back pain at some point in their lives. Many people look for natural ways to relieve current back pain […]
February 23, 2022

Progress from Physical Therapy to Pilates – The Path of Rehabilitation

Are you one of the many people dealing with pain?  Are you looking for a way to reduce that pain and improve your daily life? If […]
February 16, 2022

Standing Pilates – Benefits and Exercises

Do you love Pilates but are looking for a fresh spin on your workouts?  Or you spend the day sitting in the car and at your desk […]
February 15, 2022
Pilates Benefit

What is Pilates Good For?

Many people might have heard of Pilates or seen it practiced on TV or in movies but don’t know why Pilates exercises benefit the body. So […]
November 12, 2021

Staff Spotlight – Jessalyn Ford

What’s your position at ProHealth Physical Therapy and Pilates and how long have you been here?  I am a physical therapist and Pilates teacher at ProHealth. […]
November 4, 2021

Build Strength with Pilates Mat

Inside ProHealth Pilates studio are curious looking pieces of equipment.  Joseph Pilates created Pilates apparatus to aid in rehabilitation and improve body conditioning.  The apparatus is […]
October 27, 2021

7 Benefits of Physical Therapy

October is National Physical Therapy Month!  Physical therapy is a wonderful tool at any stage of life and in many situations.  Physical therapists are highly trained […]
October 20, 2021

Managing Holiday Stress with Pilates

Autumn is my favorite season.  Beautiful leaves, comforting food, and the anticipation of holiday traditions are around the corner.  As the days speed up to Thanksgiving, […]
October 13, 2021

Client Testimony – Stacy Martin

How and when do you begin Pilates at ProHealth? I became interested in Pilates when an out-of-town family friend stayed with us.  She came to take […]
October 7, 2021

Circuit Pilates – Who should take it and why?

Circuit Pilates classes at ProHealth are fun and invigorating. No matter where you are in your Pilates journey, there’s a spot for you in a Circuit […]
September 29, 2021

Pregnancy Pilates – How It Helps with Labour

Bringing a child into the world takes preparation. Books to read, the nursery to prepare, stocking up on diapers, bottles and binky’s. But are you prepared […]
September 15, 2021

Can Pilates Increase Bone Density?

Osteopenia or osteoporosis diagnosis does not have to equal a life of broken bones.  There’s hope, and hope looks like Pilates.   Bones, like our muscles and […]